Forums-->Smiths and Enchanters services-->
Author | [Enchant][Wea:3x7%][Arm:3x14%][Jew:3x10%][I pay 500g/elemen] |
I pay you 500 gold/element on any enchantment.
Example: If you want a weapon to do +6% earth damage, you send me the weapon + 12 meteorite shard + 12 toadstool, and I return the enchanted weapon + 9600 gold (24*400=9600).
Weaponsmith 3x7%:
7% = 15 + 15
6% = 12 + 12
5% = 9 + 9
4% = 6 + 6
3% = 4 + 4
2% = 2 + 2
1% = 1 + 1
Earth damage = Meteorite shards + Toadstools
Air damage = Windflowers + Witch blooms
Water damage = Ice crystals + Viper venoms
Fire damage = Fire crystals + Tiger`s claws
% Ignore defense = Moonstones + Abrasives
Armor Enchanting 3x14%
14% = 15
12% = 12
10% = 9
8% = 6
6% = 4
4% = 2
2% = 1
Fire magic shield - Fire Crystal
Earth magic shield - Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield - Windflower
Water magic shield - Ice Crystal
Decrease attack of charging stack - Moonstone + Abrasive
Jewelcrafter Enchanting 3x10%
10% = 9 + 9
8% = 6 + 6
6% = 4 + 4
4% = 2 + 2
2% = 1 + 1
Nature magic spell - Windflowers + Tigers' Claws
Earth magic spell - Meteorite Shards + Tigers' Claws
Air magic spell - Windflowers + Meteorite Shards
Water magic spell - Ice Crystals + Witch Blooms
Fire magic spell - Fire Crystals + Abrasives | ups, correct example:
If you want a weapon to do +6% earth damage, you send me the weapon + 12 meteorite shard + 12 toadstool, and I return the enchanted weapon + 12000 gold (24*500=12000). | + | + | + | + | + | + | + |
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