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Author53rd survival tournament lvl 14
post your waves and scores here

1) 4x2 Twilight dragons
2) 91 Mercenary archers, 54 Mercenary warriors, 37 Rangers, 34 Stonegnawers - Arrows orb
3) 4x60 Forest brethren
4) Ogres monster (1902), 361 Spiders, 13 Pit demons, 16 Horned reapers - Arrows orb
5) Anglerfish monster (1029), Bears monster (1135), 38 Ogres, 27 Lizard assailants
6) 10 Cave demons, 134 Gogs, 61 Renegade thugs, 43 Magi - Defence orb
7) 2x660 Goblin archers, 2x292 Dryads
8) 37 Archliches, 37 Archliches, 37 Archliches, Archliches monster (1623), - Resurrection orb
9) 2x1194 Goblin archers, 2x9 Green dragons
10) 248 Wolfhounds, 299 Magogs, Brutes monster (4971), 87 Mistresses - Resurrection orb
11) 2x4 Jade dragons, 2x38 Sphynx mummies
12) 65 Thunderbirds, 652 Infected zombies, 652 Lizard cubs, 10 Jade dragons - Resurrection orb

good luck
Thanks for the waves!
13) Devils monster (1669), 49 Archliches, 11 Twilight dragons, 205 Renegade scouts
14) 41 Crazed trolls, 308 Rogues, 41 Crazed trolls, 2055 Goblins - Resurrection orb
closed by Brilliant (2012-03-01 13:43:12)
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