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Author | [Sell]Thief dagger [I12E12A12W12F12]][x/54][700K] |
^ | ^ | ^ | Fern flower 3200 x 12 = 38400
Abrasive 300 x 60 = 18000
Fire crystal 2100 x 60 = 126000
Ice crystal 3100x 60= 186000
Meteorite shard 2100 x 60 = 126000
Moonstone 5300 x 60= 318000
Tiger`s claw 3800 x 60 = 228000
Toadstool 330 x 60 = 19800
Viper venom 650 x 60 = 39000
Windflower 3800 x 45 = 171000
Witch bloom 300 x 60 = 18000
Thief dagger 45000
Not True
First, 10 fern flower are used to open 5th socket not 12
Second, number of elements required for 12% is 45,not 60
So based on market price
Fern flower 3300 x 10 = 33000
Abrasive 300 x 45 = 13500
Fire crystal 2000 x 45 = 90000
Ice crystal 3000x 45= 135000
Meteorite shard 2000 x 45 = 90000
Moonstone 4900 x 45= 220500
Tiger`s claw 3800 x 45 = 171000
Toadstool 300 x 45 = 13500
Viper venom 600 x 45 = 27000
Windflower 3800 x 45 = 171000
Witch bloom 300 x 45 = 13500
Cost of new art 60/60 is 1.000.000 instead of 1 200 000
your art is now 9/54
The price for 1 battle 1 068.89
Resell value 755k
still, 700 is a normal and good price but not Cheap | So based on market price
It's not market privce it's minimum price you are taking now, which is not true, take the average.
Initial price of thje weapon was much higher when 1 200 000.
Resell value 755k
It's not resell once again, current value is 800k. - 100 000 is very good discount for it.
You simply can't afford it and recently exchanged for not so great sword, Ruby I got for sell was a better option.
Please do your truth seeking somethere else please, everyone has his own truth. | Reduced durability makes it even better offer, since you do not have to pay over 1kk for a new one and wait for weeks until it get's done.
If someone thinks 100k discount and reduced cost by 250k due to loss durability is not good enough.
Well, why not you sell your weapons 500k less original price you paid.
Or in case you just get a new enchant make a discount of 100k and sell it, not generous? Not cheap, huh? | ^ | . | . | ^ | ^ | . | ^ | closed by Lord _force_ (2012-03-20 18:33:10) |
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