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AuthorThe Guinness Book of Records of lordswm.com Part 2
the last topic is closed, then I made a new one :

1. The best hunter :https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4332885
2. The best mercenary : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4425558
3. The best thief :https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4315096
4. The best worker :https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4309216
5. The best level 12 player : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4300802
6. The quickest battle ever : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=20561463 (hard to defeat this one)
7. The longest battle ever : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=501963945
Thanks for continuation of my topic :D
8. Donator of the year :)
Despite the fact that the server is more dead than alive, donated more than 1,000 euros
Corrected:3. The best thief
from previous topic
- https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4307211
The most patient player. She has the most losses. And most of all the thieves' guild points.
9. The first player in LWM : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4300011
10. The first battel ever : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=468000001, between 2 admins .. :)
Thanks for continuation of my topic :D
8. Donator of the year :)
Despite the fact that the server is more dead than alive, donated more than 1,000 euros

not sure if she donated more ( UCI + all her gold & elements & items & other stuff )
Revision : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4300101 --> The first player in LWM ^^
11. The first player to reach CG 1 and got UCI at the present : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4302289
12. Player that has the most battles : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4307211
7. The longest battle ever : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=501963945[Full] [Chat]
how is that the longest battle?
there are tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of battles where players AFk against the AI, which comes when they auto-time out after 8 hours. That are the longest battles and its impossible to beat that.
AFKing =/= fighting
well, then there are old survival tournament battles where people played 8 hours in one battle ....
I remember a few old topics from people asking why their troops suddenly dropped death in their ST ... well, they played for 8 hours.
for Sven91: Plzz post the battle link to widen our horizon .. :)

this one is pretty long (but im not saying its the longest)

battlefield is overcrowded with corpses even though there are still few clean tiles
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