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54th survival tournament lvl 3


Author54th survival tournament lvl 3
Participants level: 3
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (2)
Highest score:[KNIGHT]6200
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
knight 6303
No demon Yet,Cmon demons post ur scores
artifacts in the lease rent. for Level 3 and 4. if you want to contact me !

1) 1 beholder up down , 1 scout left right
2) 1 vampire counts all side
3) 2 stone eaters left right
4) 3 lodestone olems all sider
5) 1 sucubbi all sides
6) 1 vampire all sides
7) 2 beholder up down
8) 8 sharpshooter left , 19 gremlins up , 1 anglerfish down
9) 8 dryads up down
10) 7 appa up down , 23 skells left right
11) 5 stone up , 2 mummies right
12) 8 sword left , 32 skells up , 5 golem down
13) 6 cerberi up down , 11 plainwolf left right
14) 8 lizard vamp left , 2 unicorn up , 1 black knight right , 1 efreeti down

15) 1 death envoys all sides
16) 1 dark witches left right, 2 water elementals up down
good luck=)
Participants level: 3
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score: [Knight] 6625
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
17)Even bowman 1lev. 7 Lizard chargers 6 Mistresses 1 Pit demons
Highest score: [Barbarian] 8955
Highest score: [Dark elf] 8477
Highest score: [Demon] 7036
Highest score: [Knight] 7085
closed by the_spark (2012-03-13 20:43:39)
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