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AuthorAll about Elves faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Thanks AKA... it seems that waiting for them to come helps a lot.
Has anyone tried an Expert Nature magic build with Basic Erudition and Basic Defense/Fortune on Level 14 for PvP purposes? Seems like fun with the elementals and fire walls.
When I changed from Expert Nature + Adv. Holy + Basic Erudition to
Expert Nature + Protection + Adv. Defense,

Won my first battle
^ that was an awesome battle.
It was for the first time I had seen a mage elf and that to so powerful
for Wonderla:
There's an entire article on mage elf somewhere in daily.heroeswm the english version.

IT says that the most important thing for a mage elf is resistance against other factions, your own elf FSL doesnt matter
Treasure hunting:
AT CL16 i feel classic elf is far better than charmer.. no wonder classic is really called hunters :)
for Poison Ivy:
I just watched one of your battle's against the elementals and couldn't help myself from bursting out into laughter at the Magic Elementals' attac animation.
Earth seems to have some sort of attachment to my Summon Elemental.
Should I switch the Avoidance talent to Expert Fortune?
1st day of guests form the past event,

charmer elf is rocks, only unruly barb nomad getting turn before sharpshooters :P
Elves need to seriously stop playing defense battles. Worst team mate to have is an elf. Paper thin. Half the time dies even before I get my first or second turn.
^^ sorry i have a nice winning result, and i am happy about it.
your team may be facing high difficulty AI troops
no no your elf partners are too stupid, they just run into it, for me i die rarely in winning match :)
for AKA:
Elves are pretty good defender against almost all faction except mighty dark elf with a lot of shrews :)
Idk why I don't trust Elf so much in 3v3 Battles. On the contrary I sincerely love them in Thief Battles.

Maybe it's my game style at fault. Kindly suggest which is better for survilurgs, Charmer or Wood Elf? Also suggest a few strategies.
charmer elf weakness is they have very less troops, but they are not much easy to kill.
Few things you remember always, like fb's agility, so like tribal spirit defend/wait is almost avoid. always used there bonus.
Child uni is lack of magic protection also little weak if no buffer around never sacrifice them at beginning.

Important tip is: Never play charmer as you play wood elf, at beginning stage you can attack enemy, but once you see your troop count is less than 50%, spread up run away from big stack(won't work sometime against some faction)used spell.

for 3v3 or survilurgs use +1 speed from moral talent branch,and offense, if possible luck, if you are using 3 ench weapon just charge :)
also ware initiative arts,( one thing i like about charmer is i can kill AI might wiz lori before they shoot,which make a lot easier) i use one Dargon eye always + talisman and some 2nd grade boots/amours which gives +1% ini

always put uni down, tree up dragon middle vs survilurgs, and think before charge, sometimes waiting will make you survive more :)

main plan is to survive and casting with hero, so hit and run(spread) is good for charmer. some times it won't work but you can't do anything that match.
How exactly does charmer elf racial ability work? The "about the game" section hasn't been updated as far as I can tell.


Also, is it that stronger than regular elf in PvP? I hardly face any by now...
How exactly does charmer elf racial ability work?
Elves-charmer have some distinctive features:

1. "Sylvan energy" faction ability gives you 1 Knowledge per every 4 Attack parameters. It also accumulates Spell Power during the battle due to dealing and taking damage. Spell Power accumulated cannot be more than [Lord's Attack]*(70%+3%*[Lord's faction skill parameter]).(were as exact formula is unknown)

2. "Enchanted arrow" faction ability gives you an additional cast imposed together with the Lord's attack.

is it that stronger than regular elf in PvP?yes they are, but believe me, like dwarf 60-70% people don't know how to play with it:) an expert player with charmer elf will be a serious problem for others,
Ok, thanks.

Well, each faction has its usual bad moves commited by the average player fortunately enough; how otherwise could PvP veteran get some edge? :p
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