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Author"resign" button in tavern games
My suggestion is to put a button that you can use when your game is really going nowhere.

As an example:

in this game, my opponent obviously had nothing more to do once dragon hit.
Well her choice was to quit the game and let me run the last few hits alone (which is quite unfair, but happens often), but i guess if she had this button available she would have cut short and declared the loss.
I fear how many games we could win doing right moves... But when a noob see a bad game will just quit... And ruin the game of good players with a strategy to win...

Also... Not fair to winner team take less exp and fsp, because some one don't like to wait. :)
for DecayWolf:
you get no exp and fsp in tavern games
My bad, I read "combat battles" like GB/CG etc.

+1 For you idea :)

Maybe can resign after about... 20 turns? or 15 turns?

I had many Cardgames where my situation looked more devastated as https://www.lordswm.com/cgame.php?gameid=49933056 but I still won, by luck or skill or whatever reason you wanna think of.

Games that look 100% lost to some people can still turn out to the favor of the "obvious" loser.

I agrees with I_own_you_all
and what if the player destroys your monastery,mine and barracks completely and keeps on playing with you just for fun even if he has cards with which he can easily win. Dont you think it would be very annoying for the other player.
How about getting 5 ore or 7 mana with resource cards and taking that dude down, since he used all his resources on destroying your monastery/mine/barracks and you could save devastating cards (cards with high effect-cost-ratio; of course not cards like dragon cards) on taking HIM down?

He can't have everything, and there actually always is a way out, just keep in mind that there are serveral ways to win. It doesn't matter if you have -6 tower and 0 monastery/mine/barracks left but your enemy is dead :)
for I_own_you_all:

I agree with your philosophy of trying to win untill the very end, but I do think that's up to the player.

+1 for guyb's idea
better to resign than to go AFK when you have to leave during a loooong game...
-1, would promote staged games
for Apocalyptum:
and what makes you think there are not staged games in the current system of card game ?
this resign button would help players playing fair more than the cheaters.
two accounts of same player join the card game-> one account resigns-> other auto-wins-> easy GG points :)
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