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Author[Service][Automated Roulette Service][5k total/week]
I'm glad to inform you for the brand new (and probably still buggy and slow) service on roulette spins and some minor statistics. The service is accessible through this link :


And it works as follows :

-It keeps track of the gold I receive and updates the gold sent to me for the purposes of this service.
-If a total of 5k gold is sent, then the service will be open for the whole week (ends on Sunday midnight).
-If not enough gold is received on a specific week the service will stop and will start on the next sunday that the gold is collected.
-If more than 5k gold is sent in a specific week, don't worry at all about it, the service will simply remain open for as many weeks as it have been paid for.


Have fun and always good luck !!
IMPORTANT NOTE : The service for now is free as I said for two Sundays. If you wish to send gold for it make sure you'll add this to your description "week spins". Forgot to mention that the service is open to public view, meaning that if 5k players send me 1 gold the service will be open to public view normally.

Enjoy !
Note to mods : These replys were added while the topic was first on the list (no intentional bump), so please forgive my within-the-hour replies.

Thanks !
I only have one question - and would like an answer from a mod, not from other players:

Is this legal? It obviously runs through a scripts that interacts with the server. So is it allowed to use such scripts?
Well, it's been done on .ru legally for longer than a year, so ... In addition, this is not a script on greasemonkey or anything that runs on your account when you're logged in. It's common to LITWIN's market watcher and other helpful tools.

Mods are welcome to answer, I don't mind, but don't turn this thread into a conversation over rules please, or I'll kindly ask some deletes in extreme cases. This is a Service providing thread after all.

Thank you !
Thanks for bump !
Closed due to external links provided which can be missunderstood as advertisement. I'm sorry for the unclear description of the service, which can be missleading !
closed by Lord Hallion91 (2012-03-17 20:18:09)
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