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Author56th survival Tourney Lvl 8
Good luck to all

Post waves and orbs
GuD LuCk to Lvl 8 heroes and may the best Win :)
lol tooo early
lol tooo early !!

good luck to all the players

plz post the waves and orbs here:DDDDDDDD
sry for using long string by mistake pressed fr long time
1) 3 Senior genies all sides
2) 24 apparitions all sides (orb of defense)
3) 13 griffins - 3 death envoys - 13 griffins - 3 death envoys
4) 72 spawns - 72 spawns - 72 spawns - 1 spawns monster
5) 7 lizard charges all sides

Very difficult for wizards :/
6)66 ghouls-ghoul monster(916xp)-66 ghouls-ghoul monster(1160xp)
7)1 archdevil-38 boar riders-1 archdevil-38 boar riders
It's too difficult waves...
8) 4 efreeti sultans - 101 sprites - 28 stonegnawers - 75 enchanted gargoyles (assistance orb - 7 searing horses LEFT)
9) 200 skeletons - 200 - monster - 200
this may not be the end of a barbarian ,. but I have got no arts and .
I am a lots busy with the other case , to change to knight.

So I can't say that I may take in this tournament or not.

Whatever good luck.


( no orbs in wave 4,and 6 ? )
knight 19094
19355 scores at fourth try !!!( lose at wave 8)
Not joking me??


and lose at wave 8 the same at the first try ????

!!! even tough , second try is not so bad at all.
hahahahahahaha ... Final attempts

I laugh out to death.
wave 7 kill me ... Lmao
18186 scores ... Lmao
( who dare to die before I die barbarian :D )

I don't even believe myself. This apparitions are always miss .

I give up.
I have only 1 good tried on my second attempts.
I believe myself that 1st prize is hundred miles far away from me.
knight 19308
Highest score: necr 13059.....wtf?
Participants level: 8
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (8 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (4)
Highest score: 21209
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
i culdn't get pass ghouls wave nt gud for me
this tourn is totally based on appas miss or hit :((
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