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Loan Not Returned!

AuthorLoan Not Returned!

He has not returned any loan!
My loan is also there!
My loan is also there!
My loan he is not giving and not answering my messages
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-04-11 16:51:40 // don't bump your thread with information you already posted]
[Post deleted by moderator Queen_Amanda // stop posting useless information]
I saw his transfer log i think he should be banned!
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-04-11 16:52:28 // 3rd party comments not allowed in CaA]
He was asking me for 50k the other day saying he would return 100k.
[Post deleted by moderator Queen_Amanda // you already had an application read the response]
[Post deleted by moderator Queen_Amanda // flood]
[Post deleted by moderator Queen_Amanda // flood]
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-05-13 14:55:27 // flood CaA.]
[Post deleted by moderator Queen_Amanda // banking activities is cause for you getting blocked]
closed by Queen_Amanda (2012-07-23 18:24:18)
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