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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
for Anony-mouse:
i got 2 of em, my man ;]

for Tebber:
mg quest
idk what they are lol

my farewell is on 30th this months ;]
will try to post the photos ;]
U make me jealous -.-

Have fun lol...
Have fun lol...
you bet ;]
Good for you, KD
So, when is it all.?
my farewell is on 30th this month
if one more relative asks me 'so now you're 18 huh, what are your plans blah blah blah' i swear im goina kill em
Enjoy mate :)
im out of coffee -.-'
my friend spilled some beer over the keyborad earlier today
so not able to use it properly
so forgive my grammar\punctuation\errors
Lol spilled some beer.. Omg So funny..
Yeah we ll understand :D
Beer?? Really?? -.-
stop laughing -.-'
my key board is irritating -.-
wassup with you guys
my alt just became lv 2
I'm so very tired
Got up at 5:30 in morning and m now able to put my back to rest -_-
Nm...just bored..
bored, tired, blah blah blah
you all need a pint of beer
or maybe some lime and a shot of tequila
look at this,
a 17 year old talking about beer as if he is gonna write a thesis on it :P
Lol Ikr xD

And that too living in India...
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