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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I love cricket and play good
But haven't played since 5 yrs;(
I don't understand why people ask loan even if its written in personal info >_<
Can't they read English or any other problem O.o
do this : oh ok sure ill send you 10 k gold !
then black list them and never speak to them again !
for Ur_End_Is_Here:

I know ur feeling xD
i never get asked for loans ! yay ! probably because i need one my self !
( not these days !! YAY :D ! )
for The-Chosen1:
You are evil :P

I don't get it ..don't they feel shy to ask for gold O.o
Be a man.. enroll ..work hard and get ur own money :D
My middle name is abed >:D !
for Ur_End_Is_Here:
Yea. People make misstake at first time, we can forgive him/her.
Repeat same mistake 2nd time. We can give advise or suggestion.
Repeat same misstake 3rd time... sorry I got no patient talk to u :"(
There is no problem in asking for gold
But even when the person says no and u like a stupid keep on asking again and again that annoys u
This above post is not specifing any1 but in general

Really when a person deserves then only we feel to give gold
But some waste it in roulette gambling and ST where u know the result
For me, it's ok to wasted OWN gold (or real money) no matter roulette or anything else.

But asking load and wasting on this... yes it's annoy.
We earn gold with hard work and would not like to see it just get wasted like this only

Anyways very sleepy
Gn all
yeah , i am really proud of myself , i have 10 k gold ... 10k !!! my maximum enrolling gold in my whole 7 years of playing was 1.7k !! :D :D :D :D :D
i am happy :) i am working on having at least 15-17 k gold before reaching level 7, which can be obtained in 2-3 weeks if i enroll at least 3-4 times a day ! but these few months , i will not be seen online not one bit ,, term exams , and govermental exams coming soon , which means i will not see daylight .. only my night light no study :( :P
i just stepped on a piece of glass a few minutes ago , it was really small , but it hurt a lot :( i bled a lot , i removed it , but i had to squeeze my foot a lot .... :(
oh bro :( make sure to use anti bacterial stuff...
10k is nothing! MOAR!
i did , i used betadine , and dude !! i am working on it ! :P
but keep doing that dark motivation stuff :P
just to add to that PM, alex :P ive been buying some good arts too to lease in the depo :P
Going to try Chaos magic build in Academy tournament :D with 300 sentries. 70 poison . 150 veterans and 20 spell power , 10 knowledge .. Magic guild 2 :D
So eager to cast lightning :D i have been the victim of so many lightnings :D atlast!!! i get to do it!
nice devin !!
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