Author | Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0] |
I love cricket and play good
But haven't played since 5 yrs;( |
I don't understand why people ask loan even if its written in personal info >_<
Can't they read English or any other problem O.o |
do this : oh ok sure ill send you 10 k gold !
then black list them and never speak to them again ! |
for Ur_End_Is_Here:
I know ur feeling xD |
i never get asked for loans ! yay ! probably because i need one my self !
( not these days !! YAY :D ! ) |
for The-Chosen1:
You are evil :P |
I don't get it ..don't they feel shy to ask for gold O.o
Be a man.. enroll hard and get ur own money :D |
My middle name is abed >:D !
:P |
for Ur_End_Is_Here:
Yea. People make misstake at first time, we can forgive him/her.
Repeat same mistake 2nd time. We can give advise or suggestion.
Repeat same misstake 3rd time... sorry I got no patient talk to u :"( |
There is no problem in asking for gold
But even when the person says no and u like a stupid keep on asking again and again that annoys u
This above post is not specifing any1 but in general
Really when a person deserves then only we feel to give gold
But some waste it in roulette gambling and ST where u know the result |
For me, it's ok to wasted OWN gold (or real money) no matter roulette or anything else.
But asking load and wasting on this... yes it's annoy. |
We earn gold with hard work and would not like to see it just get wasted like this only
Anyways very sleepy
Gn all |
Gn. |
yeah , i am really proud of myself , i have 10 k gold ... 10k !!! my maximum enrolling gold in my whole 7 years of playing was 1.7k !! :D :D :D :D :D
i am happy :) i am working on having at least 15-17 k gold before reaching level 7, which can be obtained in 2-3 weeks if i enroll at least 3-4 times a day ! but these few months , i will not be seen online not one bit ,, term exams , and govermental exams coming soon , which means i will not see daylight .. only my night light no study :( :P
i just stepped on a piece of glass a few minutes ago , it was really small , but it hurt a lot :( i bled a lot , i removed it , but i had to squeeze my foot a lot .... :( |
oh bro :( make sure to use anti bacterial stuff...
10k is nothing! MOAR! |
i did , i used betadine , and dude !! i am working on it ! :P
but keep doing that dark motivation stuff :P |
just to add to that PM, alex :P ive been buying some good arts too to lease in the depo :P |
Going to try Chaos magic build in Academy tournament :D with 300 sentries. 70 poison . 150 veterans and 20 spell power , 10 knowledge .. Magic guild 2 :D |
So eager to cast lightning :D i have been the victim of so many lightnings :D atlast!!! i get to do it! |
nice devin !! |