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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
for Jon Battleborn:
You just ruined my heaven
Well I can still call fairies and sprites to have a lil fun xD
for Lord KD:
Not in dwarven heaven :P
faeries and sprites make really funny sounds when we attack them or when they die xD
Yup they do
I mute sound when they r hit :P
I mute sound when they r hit :P

now that is one black sheep
try living like a DE where u cant have sounds without ear phones :P
Yeah Liz mino just scream their hearts out :P
im talking about DBs and shrews .__.
My bad :P
If DWs are Dark Witches, the DBs should be Dark Bitches...
Great going Pankaj :p
:S cmon my forum mod :P ull get the both of us in trouble :P
Aww what m I reading O.O
If DWs are Dark Witches, the DBs should be Dark Bitches...

Well KD is right actually...I was wondering what DBs were
ban for all is imminent .__. i can smell it :P
DBs mean dark beauties -.- ok..ur turn to justify xD
wikipedia defines Bitches as
"Its original use as a vulgarism, documented to the fourteenth century, suggested high sexual desire in a woman, comparable to a dog in heat. "

If we can openly use mistresses or succubi or temptresses , nothing wrong in that word :P
Bitch is a female dog
Nothing wrong in saying that word IMO

It's rude only if u call a girl that...
*facepalm* go on ._.
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