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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]

Idk what is problem with u two but its not good :/
Please be good to each other and prefer using PMs for such discussions
some1 has been using this forum a little too often :p
7/7 All battles were really piece of cake :P
Gratz :D
Im schoct about optimus -.-
Nice :)

Today admis r way too active @.@
Me too
But if u r gonna ask so much of loan some or the other might do like this to u
yee.. wery active.. let me see.. does my husband is blocked thoo :O

he putted BOW, but changed mind.

lol, i dont ask much, aslo try repay back soon.. >.>
and i would never ask to strangers i dont know
and i have been struggling to sell this for 8k for over a month now :D

2014-04-09 17:41: Sold item: "Scroll of energy" [63/90] for 11500 gold to kabanus as lot #64732388. Commission: 115

all magic arts have increased price due to the upcoming decay build :)
Lucky u :)
U earn $. $
I dont know how this sounds, but I had a gut feeling that history would repeat itself
Lets leave Op alone ,It was his mistake.. he already would be feeling bad.
Why so silent -.-
he already would be feeling bad.
I dont think so -_-
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