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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Return it and get normal arts
As from depositary u can get ur gold back :D
Return it and get normal arts
As from depositary u can get ur gold back :D

Do it !
already joined :(
8k for one battle !
thats is an expensive set, if considering the bing on it. you rent it once in fact,you are the first one who rent it :P, don't make mistake next time.
Gl with it
try your fireball, you will feel ~wowow!!
never touch enchanted untill you feel your opponent is stronger or you are a bit weaker :)
how do i get to know that
More combats you win and the difficulty increases ! :)
I think Jedi should have mailed you all the basics to clan and clan defenses ??
hey guys missing you:)
Great !!
We too :)
Great !!

Be prepared to find and alternative for this too :)
8k for one battle !
Cost: 7000, commission: 70.
Here says 7k :P But still too much, ofc it's a rare set it's hell expensive.
Survilurg is easy in min ap?
nope not at all
but but you should not try with min ap.
although i went with min ap. once and won ! :P
Reputation: 10
status: I have recored your tactics into the Guild manual, we'll teach freshmen after your example. Here's your reward. Royalties? what royalties? Funny you.

You receive 53 gold
Optimus got 18k :O
Optimus got 18k :O

how long it will last? :O
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