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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
HurraY! :D
Became a Pumped Character again ^.^
Morning guys
Ty all :P

And good mornings..
Moring all

Commanders' guild: 0 (92.05) +57.9
back to goal.. need CG1 before lv11
for Anony-mouse:
Peace of cake? :P
Abu-Bakir's Charm until 2014-05-06 11:17

50k burned >.<
BUt it is worth it :P
yea :D
CG going good for me :D
Gratz :D
anyone up for 2 vs 2 cg :)

my first one :)

no one is joining me :'( lvl 9
Warning! You are overloaded and can't carry any more items.

ABC expired = =||
hmm silence
someone please join me :'(
Heat is killing me x_x
Heat is killing me x_x
Going home and m almost half dead without water -.-
Reached home and i was almost half dead without water -.-
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