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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]


Now no more auto battles :)
Now no more auto battles :)

I dint even played one ! :)
Lol was w8ing for some1 to say this :P
didnt notice i reached DE fsl 6 :O. Gained around 200 fsp from these battles :D

omg 0 defeats

See his transfer log too
All castle constructions at same severer time :P pretty cool
UEIH. Can you duel with me xD I want to levelup
K f9
Let it be quick ;)
Lol but u need 44k
By winning aslo u won't lvl up O.O
Hmm all busy in battles o.O
guys what should we do?
i have loant 10k to sultan999 and he is not repaying me :'(
1) wait for responce
2) post him to empire he will get 10k penalty and u forget about 10, and next time dont lend golds to stranger u dont know good.
After doing all things prettyelf said...
Stop giving loans and u ll never have to ask this q again
I want hamster ^^
for Ur_End_Is_Here:

Only for close frends who play long time and u know good. Thats a diference!
If some noob ask u gold and u met him in some battle and he makes as ur frend, then ask loan, then awoid giving.
Specialy, when hes trasfer log look suspicios.
If he recive many gifts, loans, never give them.
I want hamster ^^
Do exacly what i say
1) Stand up from pc
2) walk to bathroom
3) and look at mirror :D
U will see maybe one :D
I don't gift or loan friends too :P
Sometimes my hard heart melts and I give loan or rather gift (I don't like loan)
The hamster I want is fluffy fat and very strong
The one u r saying has got nothing in him :P
i loan to frends i know. if they need.
And i mostley dont give gifts...
I give them only when they have helped me when i needed, so i gift them some.

But, git around golds like OP log have, i dont understand.
All time, from many players everywhere full of gifts. C`mon -.-
Be real, who does that?
Evein recive gift from lvl 4 (gifted all gold) just like that?

unless.. there is something more >.>

Prettyelf on fire #.#
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