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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
hmm as i expected!!! a little late actually :P
playing with fire is always bring trouble :)
who care lol
hehe :p
3 vs 3
Noob team mates :/

They would rather kill a cl 11 barb than help me defeat a cl 15 mage DE
Epsileon stole my batman avatar :/
I need a better one now :3
I only made that avatar for u -.-
How can I steal frm myself? -_-
anyhere play runsecape?

i was lv90 around 4 years back :p
will play that again now :3
completely forgot how to
nah :p
[Post deleted by moderator Lord KD // Keep your fantastic reviews to yourself, or feel free to use the PM]
Siddi -_-
I have backup chars up and ready
A lv1 camper who will have tgi in 100 days.. A lv10 for cg.
And a bunch of guys who owe me gold..
I'll be where I need to be in no time
This char for forruming..
I learnt a valuable lesson when Anony-mouse was blocked.
Gotta live it
There is no multi-char management block

Only blocks are:
1. excessive cheating with mults
2. simple cheating, but is reported on .ru forums (IP check takes place)

If i don't acknowledge presence of an alt, i don't have an alt..
And here, i might be trolling.. no reason to hand a ban :D
why is there a halt on the server?
No events, no fun tourny :(
still no tg for kd? :o
long story..
KD has enough for TGI now.. what's he fricking waiting for? :o
for best offer :P
or, waits, couse he likes the 6 digit number in hes account.. wich is awsome :P
it's funny how me bum and moon suddenly dropped off the grid, and KD became active at the same time :o
i gues u see everywhere suspicios things

as far i remember, whats for KD, he was saying that he was busy in hes RL life, he had much more fun there, wich is best thing, then sit at PC for hrs.
So, nothing strange i see in there.

Besides, im happy hes back, ^_^
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