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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
2nd year ! :) Not too old! :P
You receive 84 gold, Witch bloom, Toadstool

This sux >.<
Xmas!! 3 more dayss
university or college or ??

Its 9th day im not playing roulette :)

Adn i feel goooood :P
i lost 10k in roulette today :)
and i feel good too :P
Lost too much there -.- That dont make me feel good lol :D
^ haha
I have been thinking that Xmas is on 24th, only to realize just now that it is actually on 25th =.="
Not going to happen soon... Will take atleast 6 months...
Whats next? TG Invitation or Dwarves Castle?
Need suggestions ! -_-
TGI and at TGI5 get dwarves castle =)
no one wanna buy my order of endurance =(
really want to clear my inventory
*sob sob*
what dura and price?
for Lord spiral-doom:
Same question... as Wonderla
U don thave any in Market ...
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // Please don't advertise your products here =)]
Meh... Its booring -_-"
watch anime :P
Nah! -_-"
why not??:P
A Place where i can enroll 24X7.
Anywhere? No matter about wages
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