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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Everybody offlne? I think this my time to get another page full of me :D
Post no.2
did u watch india match?
nope, a little part of india's batting
I dont know if anyone will believe me... I just got pele in fifa.. hes worth like 15 million coins :D
omg :O send me a pic O.o
what fifa u play bro? Imma sell pele and get TOTY messi :P , pele s not that good , only worth a lot.
should i get messi or ribery and neymar? darn tough decisions.
ribery!! Played fifa 15 (on the PS one) and I like him best. Though kinda bias since I'm a Madrid fan in Spain and MU in England!
=.= yesterday after my random battle, forgot to unequip my stuff and as a result went full AP + little enchants against 15 lores..
Grtaz :)

Damt those forest keeper wait instead of attack when they are low amount.
Anyone know how to delete saved talent?
Add something over it
Hmm... so i need to level up?
No, just remove the talents and change the name, or add some other talent to that name:)
no work, 2 difference talent with same name.
for ElfMoon:
Hi there , select you preset talent name.. backspace it to delete all letters.. then press apply.. it will be removed :)
for _uNboRn_:
you are right!
thank you :D
No problem ^^
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