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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
A lot of problem come from load, no matter in game or real life.
for ElfMoon:
Yes Close the Topic
Optimus is a noob always asking for loan
and ok
A lot of problem come from load, no matter in game or real life

A lot of problem come from load, no matter in game or real life

you mean loan??
grrr the anime just wouldnt load..
Ops! loan
So when does you guys hope a new event ? :D
2015-03-23 00:06: Sold elements: "Moonstone"(s) for 1077 gold to [censured]

omg ! in such price :O !
I wish it was me to buy ":P
who did that?
A russian..
2014-12-29 19:01: Received element(s): 'Moonstone' 1 pcs. from Obergon. Transaction price: 2000 Gold
i too made some good profit :P
for Dbest:
Thats Nice ! :O

and its not some good profit :P

btw someone is playing roulette :P
Omg. my multi LG level 6 soon
for Optimus Prime:
Ok,so you are talking about me? :p
for vicky666:
Forum rules dont allow me to speak
anyways it will just create a mess over here
U will present ur arguments or leave it..

And btw i never get drops :/
for Optimus Prime:
Think I've said this to you before. Don't get loan from anyone, do enroll. If you have patience, you can get it.
OK sir Sorry sir Please forgive me sir
Don;t fight lol , i have to remind you all that this is a place for friendly talk :P
So , sup guys?
Well I got one more reason to fight
Now he gave loan to one more gambler and was pretending as if he can give loan for mount but not for gambling
and now he will say the the one whom he gave is his old friend
lol :"D
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