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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Night shift = enroll, enroll, enroll and *0.1 wage = =
Poor ElfyMoony T_T
1,4mil to go -.-
ElfMoon i seen many record battles but not the one which i looking for.
1,4mil to go -.-
For what?
for Poison Ivy:
Well. We have no luck to watch those battle. I will not seach it blindingly and I give up to watch it too, I have no such time to do this stupid stuff :P
for Wonderla:
She want level up.

for PrettyElf:
Don't worry, 1st may coming soon.
Don't worry, 1st may coming soon.
but i want befor may get lvl 14.. so i can then gain exp for 15 :P
Was it at 1st may?
Heroes of War and Money" parent site was launched in March 2007. Its international version, "Lords of War and Money" appeared in May 2008. Remaining two independent projects until early 2013, the two servers have then been merged, bringing together the game experiences and the player communities of both.

sorry, my bad. It was 1st march = =
In may there be that Runet, or George day.. some thing like that
and thats was the one of big things what ru will selabrate :)
Really? When?
I'm planning my next month roster. I can plan for myself get off if I know early :D

Peace Day ! :)
9th May
Peace please!
When I bet 20 It dint came
As soon as I have no gold
20 three times
Someone Can see spin history right now :O
or, Elfmoon will send me hes golds, and it will be bett on some stuff...

Ok I will send you some gold

Done :P
Yep lol
If I copy paste it I will get ban yeah ?


Ty Elfmoon ..
thats nice :P
i was like wow :D
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM