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Its That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]


AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
GN guys..
gotta sleep now,
theperson's right,i need a break

every page had guest appearances so this isn't a chain..:P
ok,i need to logout

cant stick around anymore

good night.
Marine biologist..
Yup, there used to be active games...
But that's of the past.

Flooding used to be fun with active flooders like kd, Jon niranjan tebber, bum, moon
Now its just spam. No more.
And Selemene *
Sorry was a bit busy in real life cause me can't flood often :/
i miss the old days too... kinda the reason i dont post here often...the objective of this thread has long been ruined... i dont see myself fighting for this thread again, sadly :(
flood flood
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-06-05 05:50:11 // FR#1.7//Additional characters aren't allowed to post in main forum
ban ban coming
the objective of this thread has long been ruined
disagreed completely
there are just less ppl to talk to,like it or not u have a part to play in it(yeah,u're responsible too)

other ppl can blabber all they want,i couldn't care any less,but bro,u saying THAT does feel sad
,spiral buddy
why u female in additional account?:P

female charmer elf is just ...
leap leap leap

fiends do that,yes
btw that was a hint that i was hunting fiends
Nowadays, the 'Barbarians-brigands {8}' became dangerous. The merchants are seriously worried about the safety of their cargo. You will have to escort a caravan until 'The Wilderness'. Start making your preparations now, the merchants need to arrive there in 600 minutes.

can this be done with no arts?
didn't get ambushed;O

next travel i guess
ok,now it starts

*i smell blood*
this was rather easy
arctic monkeys-505

mind---> blown
i'm free and there

this actually sucks,there were some events back to back when i was unable to play x_X
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