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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
guys , who thinks i should stay as wizard ? i need to pick my fsp a little higher so i can do MCs easily , the bad thing is : not enpugh gold for fort , Mage level 2 , and genies , but i think ill manage with hunts only
wizard sucks..
better be an elf
wow..i posted on 10:00..:D
did i?
perfect timing...wheee
no not perfect , there is perfecter < not a real word , i think wizards are so powerful , but elves are agile and strong , i dont know , ill stay as elf i guess
then a barb.?
the best alt
make ur own faction
la la la
didn't look out below
dude , are you high ? why are you so hyper ?
[>] [q]
9197 2012-11-22 17:49:17
u know what i mean to say

No I dont
Either be clear,, or stay away
Dont force me to complain
lol baw , i want to present a special thanks to xxxsaber , for helping me with my turn to wizard
Y being a wiz ?
Wiz is an easy target for elves
Better get barb or necro resist
They are tougher at higher levels
i focus my leveling up when in powerful factions baweja , now i am taking advantage of the ability that increases damage every fsp for MQs , so wizards are very very Awesome and strong , and saber helped me become one through artifacts
now , i just need some one to buuy my gems on market , so i can get the other resources for the magic guild lvl 2 ! :D i wouldlove it if you would help !
will 1K help ?
haha , thanks but keep it to your self , :P i saw you , you are broke
I am broke by sight
But virtually, I have 300K :D
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