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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I know many of them if you need a list.
Referring to Indian players in previous post :p
I am one :p
u both gotta join :P
send me 501g each (if u'd like to pay) :P
payment would be heavily appreciated :P
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-02-03 18:36:30 // Please avoid seeking members here, use Clans section instead!OGF!//Warning
invites sent :)
woo, that ws harsh :P
Wednesday exams...I don't know anything Y_Y
lost in finals in the quick tournament:(
Good nite frnds...
meet u guys tomorrow :)
Wassup ppl ?
juz came after giving maths pre-board
u wont believe it..i was stuck to the last question of 4 marks since 5 minutes and it clicked me when the examiner was two seats ahead ..collecting papers..:P

pressure works..:D
btw i completed the question and guess what.?
FULL marks..:D
Reputation: 10
status: The uprising is neutralized, you are a true hero! And here is a true reward.

You receive 88 gold

Sorry, the Guild has no quests for you right now. Come back in 20 minutes.
From Lord KD aka Baweja's profile:

Forever enemy of clan #8059. I will avoid any sort of communication with the members of that clan.

y do u take everything so seriously baweja -_-"

anyways topic change...wont be able to log in for a few days due to exams

hi guys....no gud nite fr today -.-
need to work on the project for the rest of the night :(
CCE is evil >:(
well i shouldn't have played for the whole day too :P
btw the topic is earthquakes :P
i wish an earthquake strucks my social science teacher's house!
[evil laugh]
and i wish that my hindi teacher lives besides my sst teacher xD
theres a big thing thats going to happen in my MC next week
but its a secret...i wish i cud tell u guys :(
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