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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
any1 remember me :P
new page :)
summer vacations..:P
all the best thrushing ppl till then lol!

check this out .. cool song ...
average song...
Come on you saw real steel? this song is in there.. and u disrespected eminem -.-!! but i agree this is not like his normal songs .. no good lyrics in this , no meaning unlike his other songs.
you like it: no issues ;) enjoy it!
i dont like it: dont bother :P (no offence)
true ,after i wrote my post i was thinking of it :D
hardwell at UMF!!
he is legend...
..wait for it..
bye guys; GN!
gn ! just found out a guy of my lvl who just donated 341 diamonds = 850k gold,.
Still here...
I hate retainers more than the braces itself -.-
Whoa this is a big thread
Still here...
2:58am :P came back
i bet nobody is here! -.-
pankaj seriously..sleep!!
gm guys!
thanks to knight walker for buying my arts:)

Thanks a lot=)
i just dont know how to react...:|

all the time during 10th finals i have been onl9 very little(!!)..and that too for flooding and a little enrolling..i even missed the event.for the exams..!(just played a few fights)

thinking..that i have the huge amount of holidays in frnt of me...3.5 months..wow..!
for that..i studied and i have full hope of getting 10 CGPA...in any case

now i got months of holidays and when i was abt to start PC after exams...

i got a merry news..

my bro is home finally after spending a year in kota..good

but then i get a more merrier news...

i m not supposed to touch PC..nor TV..nor listen songs..nor watch movies..!

why for .?

because he's got jee-mains and jee-advanced exams till 2nd of june..!!!

i dont know abt u guys ..but i call it jolly sick.!

How the heck am i supposed to react to such an order..

do they want me to sit in a corner of the house for 3.5 months..??

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