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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
I wanna rebel. ? How can you even think of it
Read your posts again ??
u r forgetting..if thread is opened today..its all coz of pankaj
Yeah ?
Maybe I dint comment on the open forums
But Arctic would never have closed this down
Even before his battle with Pankaj, He had mailed me about it !!
So u better shut up
Dont say abt stuff u dont noe

And If I wanted to boss around, I could have done that from day one

Nobody dont own this thread
Yeah right
If u dont own it, dont get it hammered !!
This is not your stinkin personal property
There are rules, follow them !
lets turn normal again...
KD, dheeraj is right about the bossy thing...Sometimes, u can be polite too ;)

.if thread is opened today..its all coz of pankaj

Oh stop it you, I was only able to do that with the wishes of all my supporters :P...even now, maybe baweja wont be wanting to gimme any credit...but i wont mind that...afterall, its his nature :)
gosh, KD u know think u know arcy better than me?
hes my clan-mate; and i know how much i talk with him each day :P
Dont say abt stuff u dont noe
i dont think u know the things that happened between our clan chat on skype before our battle...
I've had enough
I am outta it...
same here ;)
gosh, KD u know think u know arcy better than me?
hes my clan-mate; and i know how much i talk with him each day

noe him from before the merge, especially since MCC AND ICC

I dont owe 2 kids any explanation
U just look at the side of things you want to see

Nobody other than Niranjan knows how hard He and I have worked to re-start 3.0
Especially after closing of 2.0
No one knows of the numerous battles we have fought behind your backs

You 2 can carry on all this cool dude stuff
I dont care at all

I will still behave the way I do
The one who works, He is the one who is criticized

And this is not for the first time this has happened
90% of the mods, even general players have been against it
But i always faced it
Just lost my temper coz this time its from within the flooder community

No worries
You guys continue to flood
I will still continue my services to this community
Weather you like it or not, weather you 2 support it or not
gosh, its a public forum KD
(read again)
Yeah, its a public forum
That is what my mistake is
I should have shown off everything I did for this community
Maybe I would still have its support

But seriously all i ever did was fight for this community
Never knew it will be re paying me back this way

Still, keep flooding
Have fun

I am no longer needed here
The community is itself strong enough to fight for itself

Good Luck
Some changes:
I and dhheraj are the new flooding mods...(lol)
as KD left and niranjan is no longer here
we wont be bossy, i can promise u that xD
oh wait...we need no mods,,,I, Pankaj, from today, am declaring a free-for-all and independent flooding thread ;)
Lord KD - MIA
Good Luck flooders
Keep the spirit up

Keep drowning in the influence of the spirit
Keep bathing in Glory
For you shall never begone
It will just be a new story

For the time when you see dark
You shall burn the candle of light
Keep marching to the ambitious dawn,
For U shall be the symbol of light

-Sir Kayle

KD this is ur 3rd or maybe 4th threat to leave
U came back everytime..

Fight for the community.?..even if u did..gives u the right to boss around.?

We didn't ask for expplanation.

Back to business plz..

If u do care abt the thread then dont carry on this conversation
.else u see it getting locked by ur own eyes
Its turning Too formal..x-X
All right guys, I came around and read past 2 pages and oh my gawd!!!oh my god!!

KD they are asking you to cool it down and they would be cautious by next time so let it be. They are ready to be responsible towards it so let them take a stand.

For other guys:
KD had really put a lot of efforts and time to actually keep this topic running.He is not bossing around, he is just get too anxious with even a slight threat.(Altough 2 bans in one page is a big threat). Anybody would have, stupefy you do remember Loafant's reaction on you getting 15000th post. It is not just him, this stuff happens with everybody.

for Pankaj_Kalra21:
You got this topic open again? Good job buddy, but let us remain it open.

gosh, KD u know think u know arcy better than me?
hes my clan-mate; and i know how much i talk with him each day :P

He is my clanmate too, and I know all of what you talk about him :P

oh wait...we need no mods,,,
This is one suicidal sentence. I would have really not said that.

I, Pankaj, from today, am declaring a free-for-all and independent flooding thread ;)
It always was, but rules are rules, you ain't got any mojo to tangle with them.So don't appear like one who dares.

for Lord KD:Yes, you ARE being a harsher on them than needed. Just knock it off(You actually did, so thx, good call)

So, yes I guess since mine was such a long thread, it should be sufficient to end this conversation. We dont need no flaming bans here.That's it life back to normal..
He is my clanmate too, and I know all of what you talk about him :P
aye wait :P alright, i lod'ed xD
Never seen someone get soooo senti in my life,not even my mom 0.0
Agreed ..
And not to forget on just two bans..srsly?
Let me give u links to pages with 3 or more bans once I get on PC
Anyways changing the topic..
Today was my UPSC exam and it went real awesome :D
228/270 attempted and 220 right...will easily come in top 1000 rankers XD...
Maybe i will be the next Collector hehe,
Looks my dream of becoming an IAS officer is nearing :0
roflmao i cant stop laughing!!! wat funny conversations!!! :D

loool baweja u actually copy pasted a poem too!! HAHAHHA!

so sentimental!
Never seen someone get soooo senti in my life,not even my mom 0.0
that makes me laugh even more!!! :DDD
--.-- anyways,
that wnt down fast :)
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