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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
FINALLY A CONPIRATORS QUEST :D. im sooo happy the moron realized what i wanted
Hiya guys!
hunting some unicorns to start off the day ;)

Got them B|
shud i go in qt...thinking...
aaargh AI army..FUUU!!!
i have a bad feeling i will lose,pls gimme enchants partners pls pls pls GAME!!
lost it,shouldnt have defended...
chiefs are best..
followed by guards..

Cerberi's are the beat tier 3 upgrade

I think frontier ursary are the and best tier 3 their paw knock is awesome +good ini and speed tho
for ayush20:
oh yeah!! frontier ursary totally forgot about them :)
We don't need no education,
We don't need no thoughts control,
No dark sarcasm in the classroom,
Teacher leave the kids alone.

Hey!! Teacher!! Leave the kids alone!!

Awesome song :D
Who are the best lvl 2 upgrade??
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-04-22 16:42:02 // Please don't use too many caps unnecessarily (you kept pushing)
for TraumatizedSoul:
I vote for putting a hold on them caps :P
And I vote for not using full caps ..
Oh u said the same arpit..:P
Didn't understood at first ..my bad..
Sry elfpride..it wont happen agn ..
Chilling out in tavern..
I vote for brawlers :d they are even more weaker then tier 2 , they acts like tier 2
ok seriously i vote for shrews
Gamblers' guild: 11 (660) +140

for TraumatizedSoul: ouch... XD

back again..
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