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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
im awake
just not getting time these days :(
for Pankaj_Kalra21:
hehe nice :)
lol :)
yippie-ki-yay jee!
you should not post such things:p
So how was your jee? Since it is screening i suppose it must be simple for you.
who is giving jee this year?
for blazingarpit: since i'm not a CBSE student,it was tough,chem was easy,math and phy were annoying :/ i attended 53/90.not bad for a state board student i guess.plus iit-m isn't really my goal,so If i get selected its awesome if not nevermind :)
for thegreatkhali:me and traumatizedsoul
GL to both:)
also wish me luck in 2015:)
for Loafoant:
53/90 is good enough now what matters is the precision. I hope you are confident about your answers and best of luck there are many good colleges. ANd I'm sure you will do just fine.
for Loafoant:
After the result if you need any counselling tip I'm right here, feel free to PM me :D
53/90 is good enough now what matters is the precision

thanks mate,I think I wrote almost all of them right. *fingers crossed*

fter the result if you need any counselling tip I'm right here, feel free to PM me :D sure :)
64/90 attempted :)
for TraumatizedSoul: nice,good luck to you too ^^
Btw my multi got incentive in insight ! booyah !

2013-04-25 11:59: Received 16128 gold from Empire: Scored top 10% highest result in the "Unholy Insight Tournament 1" among combat level 5 participants! +5 HG points.

yay :P

nothing for my main though :'-(
congrats ^_^
gratz buddy.
come to dragon's caves...good location to enroll at high wages:))
who's coming?
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