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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
gud nite guys!
LT Boots (46/46)
Congratz dkhingt!
7 wins to get an art,..and i won 6..:(
only if..nvm
trying totally different talents this QT..

not meant for barb..but lets see..:P
Barbarian: 8 (1700.03) +1200.0

i remember talking abt gaining 1k fsp (total) abt 1.5 months ago..:P
1 fsp for hunt win
To Eminem fans : Eminem is releasing a new album named marshal matthers 2 on november 5 , he quoted that this might be his best song of all time
for devin_2011:
I know.!
that's hell of a news..i've waiting for very long
Though no news frm LP..:(
last album was 2 years ago
.i've waiting for very long
Well first i thought eminem retired on 2011 :P
In my first blindfold battle!
Won it like a boss 8)
congrats :)
gonna do second battle.. ty ~!
Won it too 10 of 2 battles.. but wont have time to complete the tourney i think
Im loving lvl 10 .. dont wanna level up :P
top 3 players of this game in 1 battle : godfathernekr and a bot and a bot vs hektop , noldor and a bot - https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=557386382
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