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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
got ambushed when i was afk
waste of full arts
waste of time
oh..i never had the pleasure
lucky you..

for the first time after the merge i enrolled at workplace where i will get
5th time in a row I do not get an element ..
Reputation: 10
status: We don't think those ambushing cowards would show their faces from deep dark burrows ever again.

You receive 48 gold

Sorry, the Guild has no quests for you right now. Come back in 20 minutes.
Reputation: 10
status: It serves them right! Well done, here you are!

You receive 61 gold, Toadstool

Sorry, the Guild has no quests for you right now. Come back in 20 minutes.

Lmfao :D
i had that kinda problem on CL 9...32 quests without element and the next thing i got was


an abrasive..:P
I got 3 elements in a row now.. Witch bloom , meteorite shard , abrasive ;/
Gimee !! lol . i love getting wind flower , i sell them for 3500 ... 4 of them get me everything i want ...
Windflower!! I get them very rarely :/
i don't even have the count :(
haha , its all good

my interesting fight .. stupid golems were supposed to attack with me , they just waited and ret. ... i win though , very close fight
got some gold , and a wind flower
Mercenaries' guild: 1 (116) +4
Mercenaries' guild: 1 (116) +3
got a fire crystal , and a windflower , and a toad stool last 3 fights . Life is good .. :) except for the toad stool part , no body likes that
i travel from peaceful camp to kingdom castle without any mounts
to complete an mg quest n what do i get?

Reputation: 4
status: Triumph! Keep it up, warrior! Here is your reward.

You receive 57 gold
Sorry, the Guild has no quests for you right now. Come back in 32 minutes.
haha !!!!!! i got a mount , the buffalo thing ,its awesome and cheap !
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2013-10-07 04:16:52 // Long string violation (warning)
Reputation: 9.5
status: The way is finally clear, this is your reward!

You receive 47 gold, Meteorite shard
just woke up , got dressed , and i leave to school in an hour :)
i get an hour on TV and one my laptop , and Ipad ! that is one of the ups to wake up early . Do it , and you will feel it.
You guys are very inactive , so the 10k online daily , are 85% Russians , and the 25% are .com players .... so the merge wasnt done for the forums to come more alive they were made so people can fight , and level up...

Makes sense to me
(it doesnt need sense to understand though )
Mercenaries' guild: 2 (120) +180

Ohhh yeah ! got a viper venom for that last one
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