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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
Nearing 18K...hmm
getting my groove back on B-)
Morning guys

Bought skel bows atlast..!!! :')
Gratz bro :)
thanks mate..took me a lot of time :s Now for liches.. *sigh*

How are your Banes coming ? How much more gold ?
Gratz bro :)
the times when you double click the MG guild
and you see "come after 20 minutes"
and start wondering
what did i get...
darn i wish i remembered what elements i had :(
for Loafoant:
I m bored of constant saving xD
so playing as it comes :)
Right now I need 36K :)
^I know that feel :P
hehehe :P
So lets see
conspirators {10}
Lets see how it goes :P
^easy for a lvl 13 :P
I was worried coz i have no upgrades + not banes
But yeah, i won :)
I hate sharpshooters..bloody elves :s
I love
Waiting for the day when i can use the xD
Brethren, Dryads, sharp shooters :D
^I hope elf alt comes at end :P
u meanie :v
studying for last sem exam..grrh !
They see me enrollin' They hatin' :P last spot in factory XD
for Lord KD:that guy owned you :x
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