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AuthorIts That Time of the year again [ Version 3.0]
It seems u dont like gold much :p

I love gold :D
Its just I like gifting more than keep storing gold for eternity :D
I love spending :D
Bored with storing gold until I need it for a specific purpose

Hmm if u still feel to give some1 gift I'm always der :D
Says the guy with 207K xD

I will keep that in mind :D
I ought to save money
Need to make faction resistance and all :/
But I like to take more and give less :D
My bad but yes after completing all my goals I'll be as generous as u :D
Need to make faction resistance and all :/

Same here
Have a barb castle with 2 upgs
Have a dwarf castle with no upgrades/MGs xD
i think i am good with faction resistance. need to build main faction xD
My main target was to get tgi
After huge loss in roulette and some hardwork I got :D
And now reach tg 5 den faction resistance..
just put 3 arts in market, waiting for 30 grand from them
Nice :)
Im no fan of TG
If i have the gold, i'll go for faction resists, CG 2 and events :)
lol what arts ?
Now I'm struggling even to make tg 1 -_-"
Yeah I'm also a fan of events too :D
Yeah and after factional resistance I'll go for CG
for Lord KD: goblin bow 29/29, thief dagger 54/59, light temporal footgear 59/59
Whoa nice
U must be eager to get ur fiends :)
yay first in snake hunt (21) hopefully it stays like that
of course, who wouldnt be. leap seems real nice, demons are just useless.
The best ingame upgrade in my view
just remember that they take 200% damage after they leap...
dont expect any creature to retaliate after a attack from 110 fiends :p
well since their ini is low...tribals have enough time to gather spirit nd reduce ur damage :P

well this is only for pvp and gp battles...
The best ingame upgrade in my view
Disagreed :P
But I agree a bit with Lord KD
For Me shrews efk and ench garg are best and den comes fiend
Don't feel bad but my opinion =)
And the main reason is their initiative
Hey, i agree that shrews efk are better than fiends. look at it this way
Rogues (good): Shrews (great)
FK(good) : EFK (Great)
Demons(bah): fiends (almost great)
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