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AuthorSlow start?
This game is very slow at start.This game should learn from travian like it should favour the newbies rather than experienced players it would increase the number of players.
I will have to be harsh here, but don't compare this game with travian. travian wall hell lot of a game.
i played travian too newbies get good treatment there but after the proitecting all experienced player kept on harshing you so i think newbies must get bonus of some gold or resorces after registerring here
why newbie need protection and protection from whom

travian newbies gets protection from other players from attacking them
here newbies are not going to be ambushed in lvl 1 itself
travian newbies gets protection from other players from attacking them
here newbies are not going to be ambushed in lvl 1 itself

that's very true.
actually, LordsWM does favour newbies... new hunts spawn faster and there are no AP requirements to fight...
actually, LordsWM does favour newbies... new hunts spawn faster and there are no AP requirements to fight...

Only partly true. Tournaments can't be participated, MG-quests are impossible, Duels/GB's aren't possible due to no players joining, Thieving impossible.

Hunts are the only thing to be done, and how do you want someone with 0 gold to buy artifacts?
for I_own_you_all:

Tournaments can't be participated, MG-quests are impossible, Duels/GB's aren't possible due to no players joining, Thieving impossible.

yeah, agreed... good point about those, didn't take them into account... although I have to say: at the low levels there are (ofcourse) more GBs and, well, there have to be some things to look forward to...... WAIT! before everyone starts about events (lol), I'm talking about the tourneys, MG quests and thieving (which also is meant as the incentive to pay real money)...

oh well, I guess newbees should get used a.s.a.p. to the fact that this is a slow game anyway :)

how do you want someone with 0 gold to buy artifacts?

by letting them enroll like hell.

and then some more. ;)
What's the point of allowing level 1 and 2 players to play a tournament?! they're very short levels .. plus they have 0 LG .. you can't expect them to be patient and enroll to buy arts!

I fully like the idea of not being able to do certain guilds until you're at higher combat levels .. if you can do everything while you're level 1 the game would be boring the higher your combat level is, since there's nothing new!

As for comparison with travian .. I don't see any relevancy .. they're completely different!
I don't think newbies should get tournament and MG, it should be more of an incentive for leveling up.
another noob who should be punished from his words
Lets face it chaps, over the years LWM has evolved and become much less noob friendly than in the past...

The weakening of the LG, TGI ONLY at level 5, less FSP for losing and the introduction of min AP are but a few things that new players these days have to contend with as opposed to those guys who were around close to the beginning...
Slow start is good. Do we really want newbies to hit Level 5 with very low LG or HG points? Giving them (and everyone else) more things to hunt wouldn't hurt, though.
comparing this game with travian would not b good cause this game is much better then it
but about this idea +1 cause the starting is so boring ,there is nothing special in starting so the players who try it for 1st time find it very boring so many of them dosent continue

so somthing good should b provided to the newbies
In my eyes it's fine as it is.

I fully like the idea of not being able to do certain guilds until you're at higher combat levels .. if you can do everything while you're level 1 the game would be boring the higher your combat level is, since there's nothing new!

Great Point.Lets face it chaps, over the years LWM has evolved and become much less noob friendly than in the past...
O'rly? Min-art restriction starts at what lvl? At 5, do you think that the *noob* players still are nooby then? You understanding seems to come from WoW where you are noob until you reached level 80 (maximum level). At level 5 in lordswm you get new cool units and therefor new possible tactics and fun at playing (if you oversee the inbalances in this game).
The little flaw of having to fight with min-AP compared to this, the new artifacts and best of all TALENTS, gets drowned easily.

Of course ... the people have to play that long and since this game overall is very boring its not really likely to get new players to play for more than a few days/weeks.

But this here is a BROWSERgame, you don't really expect it to be as good as a normal game, do you? Browsergames are not really meant to be played for 5 hours each day after school/work (or maybe even AT work).
Come into this game when you have one minute spare time between your Real Life activities or normal games and you will find this game more fun and worth to be played for longer terms.
Duels/GB's aren't possible due to no players joining, Thieving impossible.

LOL its just funny since at low lvls there are loaaads of duels:P
LOL its just funny since at low lvls there are loaaads of duels:P

Oh really? As i was *low* there were only few Duels, and then only Duels where one non-noob waited for a noob to join and unfairly rape him/her.
But my time being *low* is quite a bit ago :)
let it slow at low lvl it's cool :) if ppl lvl up fast in 2 days to lvl 5 what the point then they will found from lvl 5 and up it went super diferent? it became super slow? here they will leave but when start from begin they will know it's slow and it will come slower little by little not slower in huge amount so if they will leave i prefer if they leave from start instead of reaching higher lvl and leave :) they will leave if they have no patience
if at low lvl or higher lvl they will leave and who have patience will stay even if low lvl going slow :) that my opinion
I am a noob.
Registered less then 3 months ago.
And i am lv 10 now.
With decent LG, HG and MG scores.

So i wouldnt say this is a slow game.
Every browser game, or most of them, favors active players.
Which means more time and effort you spend, better your succes is.
If you are not happy with your progress maybe you should spend more time online, enrolling and hunting and doing quests.

And this game deffinitly isnt boring.
I played travian for years, and was good at it.
But get bored.
Becouse it is ever the same.
Every server is basicaly the same, over and over again.
Here we have tons of different battles, quests and PvP fights.
Almost every battle is different.
Thanks for the ability to change faction, talents and attributes by potions.

I read in forum that this is a testing period for talents, that later we wont be able to change them all the time.
Dont do that.
Ability to change talents gives this game a versatility, makes it more interesting.
Same is with festive potion of oblivion, keep it cheap.
So everyone can try new things, changing to might or magic as he sees it fit.
It adds to diversity of the game, and prevents from giving up, becouse on some high lvl you realize you did a mistake.
With posibility to change talents and atributes everyone has a chance to just rearange his character and keep playing :)

I have been reding forum, official announcments, for last few days.
Started at the begining and reading avery post.
This games evolves, is changing constantly.
Sometimes drasticaly, sometimes with longer pauses.
But it is hard to invent ever new stuff, and we must remember that this game is free of charge.
Buying diamonds and donating is more exception then a rule.
In travian it is not like that, you must spend some real money to play it decently.

The more i read those things on forums the more i admire people who stand behind this project.
It is a great game, and they had done a great work.
And we must remember that they a doing it with minimal payments.
Now when i read about events and things in the past of the game i understand that people are used on better then this long pause in development.
But it is not becouse the administration has forgot us.
But becouse, i think, they are overstreched and underpayed, probably.

So i would say that more events would be great, but perhaps we as players can help in that.
Maybe some of the older players could be involved in creating the game.
Learned how to make events, and later implement them on server in cooperation with administration.

Maybe the clan leaders could agree on some sort of clan championship, playing one round every week, and making a ladder so in the end of the year we could see which clan had the most succes.
I dont know, possibilities are numerous i think.

But the basic balance of the game i think is almoust perfect.

-1 to idea of makng it noob frendlier
Yeahh .. I agree with the creator of this thread and suggestion to give reward for joining this game.. :) it will make newbies more interested to play ..
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