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Author | [SELL][MH,H Artifacts][Full Durability] |
I am selling some artifacts.
NOTE: These artifacts are not on the character Schwarzenegger alone. Please take note of who possess them if you want to buy.
Character name: Meteor_Doom
MH bone helmet - 750
MH amulet - 2350
MH bow - 1000
MH sabre - 2500
MH cutlass - 3500
MH shield - 850
MH jackboots x2 - 800 each
H boots - 400
H glove - 800
Character name: Mullerian
MH bone helmet x2 - 750 each
MH amulet x2 - 2350
MH shield - 850
MH dagger - 850
MH jackboots x2 - 800 each
MH boots - 400
MH ring of flight - 1000
H hat - 450
H pendant - 450
H shirt x2 - 300 each
H bow x2 - 800each
H shield - 1200
H boots x2 - 400 each
H glove - 800
H broadsword - 200
Character Name: Schwarzenegger
MH helmet - 2200
MH amulet - 2350
MH maskrobe - 900
MH cutlass x3 - 3500 each
MH sabre x2 - 2500 each
MH arrows x2 - 450 each
MH shield - 850
MH dagger - 850
MH boots x2 - 400 each
MH jackboots - 800
MH ring of flight - 1000
MH ring of dexterity - 2700
H bow - 800
ALL prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Master Hunter full set is available. Price depends on you choice of artifacts. |
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