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Author[SELL][MH,H Artifacts][Full Durability]
I am selling some artifacts.

NOTE: These artifacts are not on the character Schwarzenegger alone. Please take note of who possess them if you want to buy.

Character name: Meteor_Doom
MH bone helmet - 750
MH amulet - 2350
MH bow - 1000
MH sabre - 2500
MH cutlass - 3500
MH shield - 850
MH jackboots x2 - 800 each
H boots - 400
H glove - 800

Character name: Mullerian
MH bone helmet x2 - 750 each
MH amulet x2 - 2350
MH shield - 850
MH dagger - 850
MH jackboots x2 - 800 each
MH boots - 400
MH ring of flight - 1000
H hat - 450
H pendant - 450
H shirt x2 - 300 each
H bow x2 - 800each
H shield - 1200
H boots x2 - 400 each
H glove - 800
H broadsword - 200

Character Name: Schwarzenegger
MH helmet - 2200
MH amulet - 2350
MH maskrobe - 900
MH cutlass x3 - 3500 each
MH sabre x2 - 2500 each
MH arrows x2 - 450 each
MH shield - 850
MH dagger - 850
MH boots x2 - 400 each
MH jackboots - 800
MH ring of flight - 1000
MH ring of dexterity - 2700
H bow - 800

ALL prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Master Hunter full set is available. Price depends on you choice of artifacts.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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