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AuthorLending for interest

05-31-12 06:55: Received 5000 Gold from TraumatizedSoul : loan to be paid back within 5 hours at 20% rate per hour = 10 k at

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ok fine im payin back so matter solved :P
btw mr innocent selling hunter shirt at 1k+ isnt it exploitation too..?
'"Sold item: "Hunter shirt" [10/10] 2 pcs. for 1010 gold to ThenewKing as lot #3201059. Commission: 10"
well ur also looting other players its way above fair price
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-06-05 14:45:43 // 3rd party comments not allowed in CaA . CaA is not for discussion. Have a complaint then file your own]
dumb read it
2 pcs. for 1010 gold
he sold 2 pcs for 1010gold
means 505 per piece
fair price
there is no fair price in the market
1 can charge as much as he likes
the only limitation is it shud be economical and the art shud be worth

elling hunter shirt at 1k+ isnt it exploitation
Nobody is pointing a gun to ur head and telling u to buy it...
ah my bad...505 is ok
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