As we have a rule that if one,lets say A, lend a to ,B.
B is not able to return loan and in some way lost all money(roulette ,multiaccing,etc).
The current rule say that the person is given 2x penalty .
Here when my idea comes in .
Rather than a penalty of 2x simply x amount is taken as penalty and x is given to its owner
2x amount is collected and x is penalty to empire and another x is compensation.
This way people will not lose their hard earned money to some traitors bot to this game and the person.
Example of second case.
Say A gave 120,000 gold to B for 1 month and B fails to return it .
B loses all money in roulette and has 0 balance .
B gets -240,000 penalty and 120,000 goes to A and 120,000 to empire.
This is a fair way to do it .
Also to prevent B from transferring artifacts as he wishes to leave or send artifact to multi so he doesnt have to pay penalty sum.B gets banned to transfer or sell an artifact for less than the market rate.
This way B has only 2 choice play and pay or leave.This way this system becomes even for all.
Thx I hope you like the idea.
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