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61th Survival Tournament [10 lvl]


Author61th Survival Tournament [10 lvl]
Only one and a half of an hour to go!
Suit Up!
guys how do u get 10 AP with only shop artifacts allowed.
ieverything is out of stock
Get a sword of might and a defender shield. You find those in the production facilities.
Oh, you'r level 5. Good, fine! Then get a Sword of retribution, defender shield and amulet of luck. You find those in the production facilities.

1)32 Enchanted gargoyles-58 Zombies- 37 Lizard cubs- 2 Dark witches
2)14 Mummies- 35 Boar Riders- 214 Goblin Archers- 71 incendiaries
3)28 Orc Chiefs from everywhere
4)5 Death Heralds from everywhere
5)93Gremlin wreckers- 93 Gremlin Wreckers- 70 Sprites- Sprites Monster (224 hp - easy)
6)6 ThunderBirds- 34 Crusaders- 76 Dryads- 115 Brutes
Forgot to mention:
Wawe 2 - Orb of +7 Attack
Wawe 4 - Orb of +7 Defense
Wawe 6 - Orb of +7 Attack
7)9 Clerics- 9 Clerics- 20 Royal Chickens- 20 Royal Chickens
8)8 Efreeti from everywhere
+ Orb of 25 mana for Wawe 8
9)122 Venomous Spiders- Venomous Spiders Monster (969hp, high stats)- 18 Ogre Magi- 18 Ogre magi
10)23 Mistresses- 23 Mistresses- 130 Lizard Cubs- 130 Lizard Cubs + Orb of ressurection
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: [Dwarf] 46328
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (3)
Highest score: [Dwarf] 50325
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
Any Dwarf with more points?
11)61 Beholder- Beholder Monster (850hp, not so tough as spider monster)-61 Beholder- 61 Beholder
Participants level: 10
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (5)
Highest score: [Dwarf] 52604
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

1)32 Enchanted gargoyles-58 Zombies- 37 Lizard cubs- 2 Dark witches
2)14 Mummies- 35 Boar Riders- 214 Goblin Archers- 71 incendiaries
3)28 Orc Chiefs from everywhere
4)5 Death Heralds from everywhere
5)93Gremlin wreckers- 93 Gremlin Wreckers- 70 Sprites- Sprites Monster (224 hp - easy)
6)6 ThunderBirds- 34 Crusaders- 76 Dryads- 115 Brutes
7)9 Clerics- 9 Clerics- 20 Royal Chickens- 20 Royal Chickens
8)8 Efreeti from everywhere
9)122 Venomous Spiders- Venomous Spiders Monster (969hp, high stats)- 18 Ogre Magi- 18 Ogre magi
10)23 Mistresses- 23 Mistresses- 130 Lizard Cubs- 130 Lizard Cubs
11)61 Beholder- Beholder Monster (850hp, not so tough as spider monster)-61 Beholder- 61 Beholder

2) +7 Attack
4) +7 Defense
6) +7 Attack
8) +25 mana (barbs have +7 atk)
10) Orb of ressurection
12. Water elementals 21 Water elementals 21 Earth elementals 21 Earth elementals 21
13. Modern golems 88 Boar riders 87 Titans 3 Voracious anglerfish 17
14. Druids 376 Demons 567 Brutes 421 Gremlins Monster(2219hp)
15. _______________ _______________ ________________ __________________

Amount of attempts: 5 (1)
Highest score: ?6251)))
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