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Author63rd ST level 13
Good Luck to all!
Post waves, orbs and scores :)
1) 4x5 horned reapers
2) 32 ogre magi - 82EFK - 32 ogre magi - 82EFK (orb def)
3)68 stoneeaters - 16 demiliches - 96 crusaders - 93lodestone golems
4)19 mistresses - monstr mistresses - 19 mistresses -19 mistresses (orb of illusions - 3 twilight dragon down)
5) 64 giant lizard - 22anhorites - 45 renegade scouts - 6 dark sybils
6) 6 shadow drak - 141 ghosts - 6 shadow drak - 141 ghosts (orb of attack)
7) 335recruits - 7efreeti sultans - 9 sphinks guardians - 65 elven dowmen
8) 270 sprites - 305 venomous spiders - 98 elven bowmen - 122 beholders (orb def)
9)hell horse monstr - hell reaper monstr - 102 renegade thugs - 678 gremlins
10) 39 liz assailant - 274 gargoules - 39 liz assailant - 274 gargoules (orb arows)
11) opolk monstr - 12 giants - 41varacious fish - 23 hell reapers
12) 8 green dragon - 181 boar readers - 1 golems monstr - 108 ogres (orb def)
opolk monstr --- wtf is tht ? treefolk ?
the waves posted are not in LRUD format: for now it looks more like LURD
SV22: LURD - a long-recognized standard.

1) 4x5 horned reapers
2) 32 ogre magi - 82EFK - 32 ogre magi - 82EFK (orb def)
3) 68 stoneeaters - 16 demiliches - 96 crusaders - 93lodestone golems
4) 19 mistresses - monstr mistresses - 19 mistresses -19 mistresses (orb of illusions - 3 twilight dragon down)
5) 64 giant lizard - 22anhorites - 45 renegade scouts - 6 dark sybils
6) 6 shadow drak - 141 ghosts - 6 shadow drak - 141 ghosts (orb of attack)
7) 335recruits - 7efreeti sultans - 9 sphinks guardians - 65 elven dowmen
8) 270 sprites - 305 venomous spiders - 98 elven bowmen - 122 beholders (orb def)
9) hell horse monstr - hell reaper monstr - 102 renegade thugs - 678 gremlins
10) 39 liz assailant - 274 gargoules - 39 liz assailant - 274 gargoules (orb arows)
11) recruit monstr - 12 giants - 41varacious fish - 23 hell reapers
12) 8 green dragon - 181 boar readers - 1 golems monstr - 108 ogres (orb def)
thanks for the waves leha :-)
actually these waves are so much alike with the 62th st lv14...
I bet half of a kiss that wave 13 is 4* xxxx gremlins
corecto mundo XD u know it ^^
actually these waves are so much alike with the 62th st lv14...
I bet half of a kiss that wave 13 is 4* xxxx gremlins

13) 1400x4 gremlins
thanks for waves
would have been my best tourney if it didn't go all wrong at wave 9
actually it started from wave 8 when i thought that 2-sprites were the only stack left alive n the order of turns became a mess
when i discovered that 3 elven were also left..
@wave 9 blessed 80 guards with a activated attack orb dealt only 880 damage to the reaper
n i lost 25 guards,22 griff n cav
just want to share it :'( :'(
14) 441 demons - 5b dragons - 130 t minos - stoneeater monster 3670 hp
14 wave + orb of rally 552 skeleton legioners
15) rebel monster 7722 hp - 972 rebels - 43 sphynx guardians - 567 swordsman

this is kiling blow for me , i participated only 1 cuz of lack of time gl all
15 wave is really hard, but I'm sure necros can pass it..
De scores? I haveyet to play. I will post mine then.
120k'. The recruit monster was too much for me.
closed by Brilliant (2012-07-16 09:57:35)
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