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#750 † Secret Alliance †

Author#750 † Secret Alliance †
Hail Hero! I would like to invite you to the clan Here you'll meet new people, you can participate in clan #750 † Secret Alliance † competitions for prizes and much more. More information can be found in private mail.

WARNING: is set in the clan. In the clan can earn good money. How? By joining, you learn)

† Conditions of admission to the clan †

» Pay the entrance fee Chapter / Vice / recruiter 1000 Gold;
» Observe the rules of the game and the clan;
» Do not be serious violations;
» Being the main character;
» Fill in a form view:

1.* Name in real life
2.* Age / Date of Birth
3.* Do dop.personazhi (nicknames)
4.* Do debts in the game (debts)
5.* Do you agree with the rules of the clan.

† Clan Rules †

1. Be adequate for a man;
2. Do not have any penalties;
3. Actively participate in the development, as well as the life of the clan;
4. Never argue with a council of the clan.

† The objectives of the clan †

» Make it a clan fighting;
» Build a united and cohesive team;
» To be the best clan in the vast game.
» Pay the entrance 1500
closed by Lord assasins_crid (2012-07-19 11:20:33)
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