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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

Authorcretue drakes
i thin there should be a creauture drake as it is also a mount. the evolved form of green dragons should have been drakes not jade dragons
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Ideas and suggestions".
-1 and +1

+1 for Drakes, their cool :D

-1 for Green Dragon upgrade... Drakes are an evil creature, i.e. they would fight for evil rather than good. In my perspective, elves are portrayed as a good, mystical and peaceful faction.

So rather than:
Drakes = Elves
Drakes = Demon (Demon = Fire)
7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.

Anyways if this thread doesn't violate this rule: -1
They have a something similar.


Not a mount though. Reminds me of a drake.
tamed wywerns heard of then the first time
tamed wyverns are tier6 creature for steppe barb faction over on .ru server
They are so cool!
lvl 11 that poor creauture must be one of the worst at its lvl
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