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AuthorFacts about LWM
Let me start

Fact 1

When you finish a mercenary quest and report it,
you never read what HE says. You just see

Reward : (Gold) + Elements(if any)

Share your opinions :)
Well... I am always reading them and although i have read them all i still laugh at some of them. but i like some changes and new ones if possible :-)
For me it's

Fact 1

When you accept a merc quest,
you never read what HE says. You just see the type of quest

Reward : (Gold) + Elements(if any)
Fact 2: LWM is the best game I've ever played (personal opinion)
Fact 3:
You always bet on the same number in roulette straight-up's.
Fact 4:

Whenever you go to someone's profile and he/she is rich , the transfer logs always be the next visit ;) ...
Fact 4:

Whenever you go to someone's profile and he/she is rich , the transfer logs always be the next visit ;) ...
Fact 5:

Whenever you start a group battle,
You predict the victorious side by just seeing the troop settlement

And it becomes true most of the times :)
Fact 6:

Whenever you go to someone's profile and he/she is poor , the roulette bets data always be the nextthing you look ;) ...
Fact 7:

You never check out the chat room, cuz u know it's gonna be empty. :P
Fact 8:

When you are travelling from one location to the other in the map, you click into the forums,and post after this. :)
Fact 9:

when you post here means the forums are boring, so you need to spam :D
the forums are boring

Is forum the only boring thing in the game ?
Fact 10:
When you face the ultimate boredom, you fight a demo battle xD
for Pankaj_Kalra21:

10th fact makes me lol
Fact 11:
Roulette is a fast way to become poor.
for STBs:

Roulette is a fast way to become poor.

there are exception
but think of the most
Fact 12:
No attention from admins for months together but we are still here, creating random threads and refreshing forums....hoping to see an official announcement...
Fact 13 :
No other gamers will have patience like us in .com server
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