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Author[69th ST] [Level 8]
Post scores and orbs and waves plz :)
Barbarian: 20369
1.Grandmaster Bowman 8/ Wolf Riders 13/ Rougues 9/Goblins 60
2.Senior Genies 6 all sides - Orbs of Illusion
3.Mummies 3 on all sides
4.1 Skeleton Bowman Gaint lvl1 /Freinzed Griffins 9/ Skeleton Bowman 57/Freinzed 5.Griffins 9 - Orbs of illusion(62 Gremlin wreckers)
6.Skeleton Bowman 96 on all sides
7.Eye Evils 33 on all sides
8.Lore keepers 11/ Genies 10/ Sprites 78/ Death Herald 3
9.Lore keepers 13/ Lizard Cubs 79/ Lore keepers 13/ Lizard Cubs 79
Dark ELF 19k :)
10) 89 demons all sides

poor my troops :( all had 0 defense :(
Highest score: 36954
demon 36000
any DE?
I've only made one try so far, but that one included a terrible mistake at the start of wave 9. Accidently I moved my shrews next to a lizard cub stack without attacking it. Score was 21k+ something.
for Majblomma:
Thats so good then .. bad for me if you play like this lol :(
Correction om wave 7: (LURD) 7.Lore keepers 11/ Death Herald 3/ Sprites 78/ Genies 10

Wave 10: 9 treefolk / 186 zombies / 9 treefolk / 186 zombies

Those 36k scorers must have reached further.
Elf 27k+
closed by ElfPride (2012-10-29 04:49:15)
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