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hunt assistance - display difficulty, color

Authorhunt assistance - display difficulty, color
As the title says it would be helpful to see what difficulty (color) has the hunter, whom we want to help.
It would be also helpful to see how much experince gives this hunt total.

(hunt script is not working in this case (which shows you how much experince you will get from hunt))
As the title says it would be helpful to see what difficulty (color) has the hunter, whom we want to help.

Donno what to say about it...as we already come to know how many and which kind of troops we have to fight with.

It would be also helpful to see how much experience gives this hunt total.

-1 We don't come to know how much exp we get in any kind of combat, then why a special case for hunt assist?
it would be helpful to see what difficulty (color) has the hunter, whom we want to help.

That's easy to find out :). If you have a 'piece of cake' or easy hunt then that means that the other player has got a hard or 'challenging' hunt and vice - versa.

It would be also helpful to see how much experience gives this hunt total.

I really dont think this is necessary 'cus if you kill only your part of the hunt then you will earn the XP that was already listed to you but if you kill the other persons creatures as well then it is understood that you will gain some XP. If you really really want to know the XP then you can ask the other player if he also knows the XP which will be given for his/her hunt. If yes then divide that amount by the creatures faced I think this will work but can't say for sure.

We don't come to know how much exp we get in any kind of combat, then why a special case for hunt assist?

But with a 'legal' script we can see the amount if XP gained by the hunt.

Overall this is totally unnecessary (my opinion). So I will give it a -1.
closed by ULTRA_XEROX (2012-10-22 20:35:16)
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