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AuthorPlayer Stupefy
Hello Lords and Ladies of LWM

Player Stupefy - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4895422
has been hacked [Most probably password loss]
I request u not to report him in case u receive any vulgar mail from him
I can say that coz I received one
Please ignore his comments/posts in battle chats

I request Forum as well as chat mods to ban him till I or Admins make sure his account has been returned to its rightful owner

I thank all of u for your co-operation.

He had informed me about this too. But has his account been completely hacked to a point of no return or can the real one still log in? If he can, it'd be better if he can contact a mad who can verify the facts and give him a BOW ban from chat and forums.
But has his account been completely hacked to a point of no return or can the real one still log in?
He can very well come back

Already done

Also, he has been sending all his stuff to his 3 friends for safe keeping till he returns
Please dont him for illegal transfers :\
MagicBoy had a similar case

Overtime his password became known and multiple players were trying to take over the account...
It continued for months until the admins finally came online and blocked the account

But has his account been completely hacked to a point of no return or can the real one still log in?
Unfortunately, history isn't on his side
We dont care about history
I WILL help this player
for Baweja:
Yeah i know, he has my best wishes
Hopefully the hacker will just get bored and give up

But then again, you can always talk to the admins, i'm sure arctic will help out when he returns
Just tell him whats happening, because they have the power to change the password and email at the same time
We dont need tips on what to do
I noe WHAT to do
So pls just acknowledge the message in post 1, not post abot what/how to do
i'm sure arctic will help out when he returns
Please guys
Just acknowledge the posts
Dont post unnecessary stuff
Maybe sent a mail to adm alexander? :)
He's online last few days as you can see that he 'bans' people on forum?

Maybe he can help or maybe not, you can always try.
Already done everything that is possible

As I said before - dont need tips on what to do So pls just acknowledge the message in post 1, not post abot what/how to do
shall i give him a temporary account to use ? for forum and like that , if any one can contact him out of this game , pm me please
Password transfer is illegal....
Pls comply to my posts
just acknowledge my msg in post 1
Hello Lords and Ladies of LWM

Player Stupefy - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4895422
has been hacked [Most probably password loss]
I request u not to report him in case u receive any vulgar mail from him
I can say that coz I received one
Please ignore his comments/posts in battle chats

I request Forum as well as chat mods to ban him till I or Admins make sure his account has been returned to its rightful owner

I thank all of u for your co-operation.

Pls comply to my posts
just acknowledge my msg in post 1
he has been sending all his stuff to his 3 friends for safe keeping till he returns
Please dont him for illegal transfers :\
for Baweja:
Please guys
Just acknowledge the posts
Dont post unnecessary stuff

If you yourself don't obey this, then how do you think that others will?
for iamtheworldking:
Can u give me one proof of posting something that is not required ?
All my posts are answers and requests/bumps
If you yourself don't obey this, then how do you think that others will?

Perfectly true. Just another thread for the player to gain himself some popularity. What is the world coming to nowdays?
for Vlaer:
Can u give me one proof of posting something that is not required ?
All my posts are answers and requests/bumps

And look who is Talking !
The player who creates random dumb tourney for a 2 day spotlight

Can u tell me HOW on this earth im trying to gain popularity
It is just a simple thread requesting players to help a fellow lords during a hard time
This lil kid calls me brother and i felt that he needs help
But u are too jealous to understand
Better pass if u are not interested

This thread is not about me or u
This is about Stupefy !
closed by Lord Baweja (2012-11-08 20:57:43)
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