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Author[Military clan] #279 The Dragon Slaughter
Up to now, 7 out of 8 awards have been claimed. Good luck, hunters of the Dragon!
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // LR#6.9// Congratulating clanmates or clan as a whole on any occasions is prohibited !Clans!]
Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2013-05-25 03:40:35 // LR 6.1 clans / Please do not bump more than once in 24 hours.
If you are ready to join our family, plz contact pptandppt/Chenlong or our recruiters.
Positions are limited to 250 clanmates, so join now before it's full. :)
We will check your transfer log in past month, and Empire will check your whole transfer log carefully too. So plz make sure you followed all game rules or corrected your mistakes before applying to join us.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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