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Author | All about Necro faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy |
(and also if there is gonna be another portal event, then don't play with your main and level up your other factions :) | + | + | + | + | How good a CL 9 with DU is with darkness build. (decay + curse) | I mean for TG... Oops... | Depends on how much ap you use. Cos attack will be quite low with points in Knowledge and SP if using low ap with that build. Counts/dreadlords are a big improvement from vamps (teleport, increased movement and higher hp/stats) But they won't do much without attack/def arts backing them up (Since caravans always have full ap). | If you're going decay build, then upgrading won't make much difference because I guess you'll be defending most of the time? | Actually for CL are apparitions.
Full ap always, and I was thinking about going hybrid... All my points from level and MG into Kn/SP, plus some artefacts to raise SP like Wizard attire, wizard helmet, cape of magical power... however the rings and weapon will be might focused.
The final stats will be this:
Attack: 13
Defence: 18
Spell power: 8
Knowledge: 6
Initiative +12%
Melee Damage +5%
Luck 2
I could get +1 attack, def and initiative if I manage to get an MC...
I haven't decided which faction I'll play on CL 9 yet... | Can someone tell me in what CLs and kind of battles the Stoneskin build for Necro would be useful?
And thx in advance. | + | + | + | + | + | + | Can someone tell me in what CLs and kind of battles the Stoneskin build for Necro would be useful?
You will eventually find out that, mass stoneskin build turns out to be less useful than the mass darkness spells you could use with the same amount of mana and spell power added in with some nature magic.
You can always use the Might build with other defence talents, if you so wish.
IMHO, not that useful at any level. (For the talent cost, It is for) | I see, thanks for the deep explanation budd!
Yeah, I wish it was as viable as Mass Rapid Builds (Demon, DE, etc), but I think you are right, the points into SP, Knowledge and Talent points are just too much that its not worth. | + |
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