2. https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=37952811
1~0:[TaQQ]: ?
2~0:[maliczyz]: ...
3~0:[TaQQ]: I am play with vic
4~0:[maliczyz]: why u jump in at last min
5~0:[maliczyz]: so i will out
6~0:[maliczyz]: sorry
7~0:[TaQQ]: go ask vic, we suppose to play this wave
8~1:*[vicule]: we can do next
9~2:[TaQQ]: seems he want to waste time<
2. https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?lt=-1&warid=37952811
1~0:[TaQQ]: ?
2~0:[maliczyz]: ...
3~0:[TaQQ]: I am play with vic
4~0:[maliczyz]: why u jump in at last min
5~0:[maliczyz]: so i will out
6~0:[maliczyz]: sorry
7~0:[TaQQ]: go ask vic, we suppose to play this wave
8~1:*[vicule]: we can do next
9~2:[TaQQ]: seems he want to waste time<
Local rule mentioned:
3. It's forbidden to double-post applications, ... A topic closed means that the affair is considered and actions are taken.
4. Questions concerning closed affairs, requests and other attempts to contact the Administration are made with the help of Secretary.
14. Game Administration is not an instrument of vengeance on your offender.
1. If you aren't related to the application directly - don't leave your messages in it's topic. Third-party comments are allowed only for providing additional facts about the affair, or for replacing the link to warlog with the more readable battlechat. Discussions, expressing personal opinions, etc. are penalized with at least 24 hour ban.