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AuthorSeveral bugs
in the top players list the faction always shows demon and knight instead of dark demon and holy knight.
(maybe even subdivide the faction statistics over these factions as well.
(and only take lev5 and higher accounts into account then, since these thousands of lev1 accounts only mess up the statistics).
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]

2 problems:
1. strange line is in this effects-window
2. if you make double "ctrl-click" on creature to watch it's information about spells/effects etc, then on the bottom isn't written creautures name - there is written name of the player (f.e. "ultra_xerox")

f.e. if you play with a wizard, he restores his mana, but it doesn't written how much, it is written only: "... - restores his mana"

forum filter:

if you using .com-interface and want to write something on forum in russian or text, which contains russian letters, you became a message, that "your message is probably uncensored", maybe it would be better to make a little text analyzer, which would say smth. like: "you aren't allowed to use cyrillic letters in this forum branch !", because it's a little bit distracting...

if character participated in cards tournament before merge (on .com), there isn't written, how much money he/she has lost (participation fee)

#131, #132, strange thing with players, which can't be found more on server, but their combat logs are still here. I think i should say, how i can see their combat log: (because if you just write https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=500, then you'll land on your own profile page)

1. type: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=1 (active player)
2. type: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=500 (not more on server)
-> you'll land on page of player [0] , so click now on "combat log", you land now on your own profile page.
3. click in the right column on "combat log", now you see your own combat log.
4. type: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=500
now you're on his combat log page (but you can see only last combats)

there exist much more of this deleted players, but i think they weren't properly deleted? so we can still se their combat logs, i don't think that's a feature...

1) http://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/photo-catalog/0001208/081.jpg
2) http://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/photo-catalog/0001208/082.jpg
friends list bug:
in my friends-list person is shown as inactive (white), but person is online, so should have green colour:
lags on market:
if you buy something on martket and then click "back", the lot is still on market, example:

it often happens to me, if i want to buy wood/ore,..
#137, When in the enchant page, there is a line of text in Russian
if you want to destroy enchantment, then there appear russian message:

#132 problems with battlechat:
(wrong date + you get a wrong link "...warid=", if you click on date)
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
Fifth anniversary star
Named gift to brave Your nick on Fifth Anniversary!
if you click on "Your nick", then you're redirected to:
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
gated hell reapers look exactly the same as normal hell reapers.
While gated creatures normally have a bit different colours to dinguish them from the real ones.
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // ]
in the "about the game section" is no page at all explaining how the talents work.
I think a short explanation, how much talents points people can receive, and a link to all the demo talent wheels should be there.

And the demo talent wheel for holy knights and dark demons does not exist (or i cant find them).
- There can be no more than 5 Recruiters in any clan. All clans have 1 week to dismiss excess recruiters. After that, all recruiters will be dismissed automatically in clans which count over 5 recruiters.
From here: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1932915&page=0#30018243

Nothing has happened. There are several clans with over 5 recruiters.
Chargers and Thrones hunting pics are missing next to the text (next to the "You hear a scream of bla bla bla...").
some players, for example him: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4719 and some others with an UCI still have the old spellbook.
I don't know if it's here (on .com) for ages since beginning, but when someone loses gold in an ambush, it says: 'looses N gold' while it should be 'loses' with an 'o'.
#157, maybe feature?
#142. creatures which are walking backwards (they are not always walking backwards, i gues the rate is 50/50, so sometims the are walking in the right direction, and if you refresh the site, they are walking in the other direction)





(the rest of event and normal creatures seems to be ok)


sven91 has already written about it long time before merge, but i think, it was forgotten, so here again:

if workaholic penalty is enabled, then this text looks not nice (text partially displaced)
similar problem, if character has fought too much combats (> 4 numbers, take a look for example to noldor)


partially russian map (after refreshing)
(maybe some problem with overlaying of english text on russian map (.swf-map-file-text is written in russian) ??)

#130 and especially #143:
2. if you make double "ctrl-click" on creature to watch it's information about spells/effects etc, then on the bottom isn't written creautures name - there is written name of the player (f.e. "ultra_xerox")
i think it is a little bit strange, because during splitting forces if you check units' abilities (that what i mean before with "spells/effects-information") there is written creatures names, but during the combat on this window (units abilities) is written characters name, not more creatures name:

(problem (if it is one) is on .ru and .com)
#142, #159, creatures walking backwards
another one:


i see no logic, how all hunts are sorted, but it'e hard to find something, only possible using firefox search. maybe it's possible to sort this hunts by creatures name a-z

example this one:
if you click on one of creatures icon, it needs a long time (> 10 seconds, if more hunting achievements, then longer) to be redirected to creatures info-page (https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=...)
(not equal problem as "too much hunter records" ,#5, #81)
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