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Author | Theif Guild Post Merge - Adapting Thread |
Quotation taken from this thread.
Poster was DaveM.
My questions:
1. Are caravans on .ru also devided into several types and each such type has its own strength (power) counter?
2. Is the strenth of a caravan influenced also by your TG level or is it simply based on your winnings? (I mean whether the strength of a caravan increases when your TG level increases)
3. How is it with arts? The more AP you have the better exp/fsp ratio you get? Or it is based only on amount of caravan's troops?
4. How is it with caravan's strengthening and weakening (increasing of power and decreasing of power) - the more fsp you get for win the sronger that caravan will be next time (and the more fsp you get for loss the weaker that caravan will be next time?)
5. When TG system on .ru changed from the old one, was the power of new caravans equally increased? (meaning that your caravan's power increased based on their old difficulty and it was individual for all players, not the same for all..?)
6.And lastly - do you think fighting in min arts can be still better than fighting in full (or even enchated) arts?
His answers:
1. NO. caravans have general strength (power) counter
They have also talents
2.yes. the strength of a caravan increases when my TG level increases
3.AP don't don't gave better exp/fsp ratio
4. the more fsp you get for win the sronger that caravan will be next time - NO
and the more fsp you get for loss the weaker that caravan will be next time?) - YES war the same for all
6. I have lvl 7 Thieves' guild: and may fight in full or in Enchanted arts ]
My another questions:
1.So have AP something to do with your win/lose ratio? For example, if you played still the same caravan in full arts would that ratio be the same as you played it in min arts (especially when you make that caravan playable even in min arts - I mean when you win against that car. in min arts do you need e.g. only 2-3 losses to win it again and the same with full arts or in full arts it is much better?)
2.Do you think once you reach e.g. 10th TG level you can't return caravan's power to the same one as it was at previous level?
3. According to your answer in 5. (it was the same for all) do you think if .com merge with .ru, it will be the same? (I mean whether it doesn't matter how weak my caravans are now, after merge it will be simply the same powerful for everyone..?)
His anwers:
1.admin make caravans very strong.and you can't lose-lose and then play in min ap
3. i can't answer this
Once again, it's hard to say if it is 100% right, only arctic can confirm it I guess... By the way, it was 7 months ago... | Fellow .com thieves,
We have new challenges to deal with a different style of caravan. We need as much information about .ru ambushing as possible. Those who have ambushed on .ru with any information you could give will be appreciated.
Min Ap ambushing, Mid Ap ambushing, and full Ap ambushing will be the focuses of this thread. How much AP is necessary for winning. How much do artifacts costs etc. Anything else I haven't thought of can, and should be put into this thread.
We min ap ambushers need to survive this change, and excel. |
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